Entrepreneurship - Create your own business

Entrepreneurship - Create your own business

Entrepreneurship means to create a business idea and turn it into a business farm. The person who is involved with entrepreneurship is called an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has to be a creative and innovative person. He has to prepare to take the risk. Because turning a business idea into a business farm is not easy. He must do hard work to set up a business. Many people thought that entrepreneurs are made by born. It is a common myth about them. But it's wrong. Every person has the quality to be an entrepreneur. It just needs the proper utilization of skill.

Now one can ask why it is important and what's the role of an entrepreneur in a country.

Let me explain.

When an entrepreneur sets up a business it also makes an opportunity for Job in a country. In a firm, many people can work. It helps to reduce unemployment in the country. Entrepreneurship also helps to raise the GDP one country. It helps the economy to grow.

Now the question is, how one can be an entrepreneur?

At first, think about the plan. Then think about the way to implement the plan efficiently. Take the possible way which can be successful.


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